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Fab Lab Reykjavík is part of Fab Lab Iceland and was opened on January 24, 2014. Fab Lab Reykjavík is a joint project of the City of Reykjavík, Fjölbrautarskólinn í Breiðholt and Nýsköpunarmiðstöð Íslands.

Fab Lab Reykjavík is located in Fjölbrautarskólinn in Breiðholt and is part of Breiðholt's creative community. Through strong collaboration, Fab Lab Reykjavík has grown and now has four full time employees who support the creativity of the city's residents, develop innovative ideas and promote technological literacy.

The goal of Fab Lab Reykjavík is to promote innovation in society. To achieve our goals, we focus on fostering innovation in education, supporting corporate product development and fostering new ideas among people at all levels of society. Fab Lab thus forms a fun creative community with a diverse group of people who have in common that they are curious, solution-oriented and dare to try.

Material costs vary and there are price markings on materials in all technical areas of the workshop. Information on material costs can also be found on this page.
Talið við starfsmann Fab Lab Reykjavíkur um þann möguleika að verða skráður frumkvöðull með frumgerð.

Skrá frumgerð

Frumkvöðlar sem vinna að frumgerðum er veittur aðgangur og aðstoð í Fab Lab Reykjavík.

Vinsamlegast fylltu út eftirfarandi eyðublað svo við höfum betri yfirsýn yfir verkefnið.

Frumgerðir í þróun 2022


Þóra has a B.Sc degree in Psychology and an M.Sc in Psychology teaching. She has worked in curriculum development for innovators. Þóra is passionate about making it easier for young people to make their ideas a reality. She has been involved in innovation across the community.


Fab Lab Reykjavík

What we at Samfélagsgroðhús would most like to receive support for from Fab Lab is general engineering assistance, assistance in optimizing drawings from us for the CNC carving machine, general assistance with logistics for projects abroad and development of a camera system for the observation system of Samfélagsgroðhús ehf

#green #green #innovtion #innovation #workinglife

Author: Rúnar Þór Þórarinsson


Fab Lab Reykjavík

Við smíði frumgerðarinnar er líklegt að við notum eitthvað af laserskornu plexygleri en einnig væri gott að fá að nýta Shopbot fræsinn við einstaka hluti prótótýpunnar

#græn #green #innovtion #nýsköpun #atvinnulíf

Höfundur: Aron Óttarsson


Þóra has a B.Sc degree in Psychology and an M.Sc in Psychology teaching. She has worked in curriculum development for innovators. Þóra is passionate about making it easier for young people to make their ideas a reality. She has been involved in innovation across the community.


Þóra has a B.Sc degree in Psychology and an M.Sc in Psychology teaching. She has worked in curriculum development for innovators. Þóra is passionate about making it easier for young people to make their ideas a reality. She has been involved in innovation across the community.

Screenshot 2022-06-14 at 09.36.25.png

Fab Lab Reykjavík

Laserskerinn hefur nýst okkur vel og fræsarinn að skera út bæði form á brettin okkar og búnað fyrir smiði á brettunum.

#græn #green #innovtion #nýsköpun #atvinnulíf

Höfundur: Ivan Jugovic

Frumgerðir í þróun 2021


Þóra has a B.Sc degree in Psychology and an M.Sc in Psychology teaching. She has worked in curriculum development for innovators. Þóra is passionate about making it easier for young people to make their ideas a reality. She has been involved in innovation across the community.


Fab Lab Reykjavík

Þróun á skáp fyrir bókasöfn þar sem hægt er að leigja muni.

#græn #green #innovtion #nýsköpun #atvinnulíf


Fab Lab Reykjavík

Fræsari til smíða á prótótýpum af boltabrettum og öðrum búnaði sem er í þróun.

#aðgengi #inclusive #innovation #nýsköpun #atvinnulíf

Höfundur: Axel Valur Davíðsson Diego


Þóra has a B.Sc degree in Psychology and an M.Sc in Psychology teaching. She has worked in curriculum development for innovators. Þóra is passionate about making it easier for young people to make their ideas a reality. She has been involved in innovation across the community.


Þóra has a B.Sc degree in Psychology and an M.Sc in Psychology teaching. She has worked in curriculum development for innovators. Þóra is passionate about making it easier for young people to make their ideas a reality. She has been involved in innovation across the community.


Fab Lab Reykjavík

Framleiða frumgerð prentrásar til tengingar á sísmækkandi tölvuborðum við samskiptaeiningar, strikamerkja, og snjallkortalesaea.

#education #edu #innovation #innovation #workinglife

Author: Hólmfríður Vigdís Rist Jónsdóttir


Fab Lab Reykjavík

17-19.8 2021 munum við nýta aðstöðu og tækjagarð. Einnig munum við biðla til aðstoðar þess hæfa starfsfólks sem prýðir smiðjurnar.

#aðgengi #inclusive #innovation #nýsköpun #atvinnulíf

Höfundur: Gunnar Ólafsson


Þóra has a B.Sc degree in Psychology and an M.Sc in Psychology teaching. She has worked in curriculum development for innovators. Þóra is passionate about making it easier for young people to make their ideas a reality. She has been involved in innovation across the community.


Þóra has a B.Sc degree in Psychology and an M.Sc in Psychology teaching. She has worked in curriculum development for innovators. Þóra is passionate about making it easier for young people to make their ideas a reality. She has been involved in innovation across the community.


Fab Lab Reykjavík

Development of the first model, proof of concept

#green #green #innovtion #innovation #workinglife

Höfundur: Emilía Borgþórsdóttir


Þóra has a B.Sc degree in Psychology and an M.Sc in Psychology teaching. She has worked in curriculum development for innovators. Þóra is passionate about making it easier for young people to make their ideas a reality. She has been involved in innovation across the community.


Fab Lab Reykjavík

Það sem við hjá Samfélagsgróðurhúsum vildum helst fá stuðning við frá Fab lab er almenn verkfræði aðstoð, aðstoð við að besta teikningar frá okkur fyrir CNC útskurðarvélina, almenna aðstoð við logistic fyrir verkefni út á landi og þróun á myndarvélarkerfi fyrir athugunarkerfi Samfélagsgróðurhúsa ehf

#green #green #innovtion #innovation #workinglife

Author: Oscar

Fab Lab Reykjavík

During the construction of the prototype, it is likely that we will use some laser-cut plexiglass, but it would also be good to be able to use the Shopbot milling machine for individual parts of the prototype

#græn #green #innovtion #nýsköpun #atvinnulíf

Author: Aron Óttarsson


Þóra has a B.Sc degree in Psychology and an M.Sc in Psychology teaching. She has worked in curriculum development for innovators. Þóra is passionate about making it easier for young people to make their ideas a reality. She has been involved in innovation across the community.


Þóra has a B.Sc degree in Psychology and an M.Sc in Psychology teaching. She has worked in curriculum development for innovators. Þóra is passionate about making it easier for young people to make their ideas a reality. She has been involved in innovation across the community.


Fab Lab Reykjavík

#mennt #edu #innovation #nýsköpun #atvinnulíf

Höfundur: Hólmfríður Vigdís Rist Jónsdóttir


Þóra has a B.Sc degree in Psychology and an M.Sc in Psychology teaching. She has worked in curriculum development for innovators. Þóra is passionate about making it easier for young people to make their ideas a reality. She has been involved in innovation across the community.


Fab Lab Reykjavík

3D scanned footprint printed in a 3D printer and milled in the Shopbot mill.

#design #design #innovation #innovation #workinglife

Author: Þorgerður Ólafsdóttir

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